ROCKY IV Film Review

Director: Sylvester Stallone
Screenplay: Sylvester Stallone
Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Brigitte Nielsen, Dolph Lundgren, MIchael Pataki, Tony Burton
Rated PG
Running Time: 1 hour 31 minutes
Release Date: November 27, 1985
**** out of *****

Photo: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
The Italian Stallion, Rocky Balboa, takes on the Iron Horse, Ivan Drago in ROCKY IV.
After an exhibition fight between former champ, Apollo Creed (CARL WEATHERS) and a Russian boxer, Ivan Drago (DOLPH LUNDGREN), ends in tragedy, Rocky Balboa (SYLVESTER STALLONE) challenges the boxer to a fight that even his greatest supporter, Adrian (TALIA SHIRE), doesn't believe he could survive.
Rating Scale:
***** = Outstanding ****1/2 = Excellent **** = Very Good ***1/2 = Above Average
*** = Good **1/2 = Mediocre ** = Fair *1/2 = Poor * = Bad 1/2* = Abysmal