The Beatles: Eight Days a Week-The Touring Years FILM REVIEW

Shea Stadium is just one event Ron Howard looks at in his documentary about the Fab Four.
Filmmaker Ron Howard examines the early years of the Beatles, from their club dates in Liverpool, England, to their concert tours in Europe and the rest of the world.
**** Stars
The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years
Director: Ron Howard
Starring: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Whoopi Goldberg, Elvis Costello, Richard Lester, Eddie Izzard
Running Time: 2 hours 17 minutes
Rating Scale:
***** = Outstanding ****1/2 = Excellent **** = Very Good ***1/2 = Above Average
*** = Good **1/2 = Mediocre ** = Fair *1/2 = Poor * = Bad 1/2* = Abysmal