Star Trek Beyond FILM REVIEW

Captain James T. Kirk holds his enemy at bay in Justin Lin's STAR TREK BEYOND.
The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test.
**** Stars
Star Trek Beyond
Director: Justin Lin
Screenplay by: Simon Pegg & Doug Jung
Starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Anton Yelchin, Idris Elba, Sofia Boutella
Rated PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi action and violence
Running Time: 2 hours 2 minutes
Rating Scale:
***** = Outstanding ****1/2 = Excellent **** = Very Good ***1/2 = Above Average
*** = Good **1/2 = Mediocre ** = Fair *1/2 = Poor * = Bad 1/2* = Abysmal